dissabte, 15 de setembre del 2007


Malgratencs, el proper dilluns han estat cridats (denunciats) una sèrie de persones que van actuar en el procés d'aturada de les obres de l'arbreda de can feliciano, als jutjats de Pau, des de aquí crido a la gent que hi pugui anar a fer bulto, que hi vagi perquè en realitat això és una denúncia a tot el poble que es va mobilitzar per salvar les cuatre acàcies invasores.
Sembla mentida que en ple segle XXI encara es facin coses així, algú va fer alguna cosa que no hauria? algú va fer mal a algú? la resposta és NO, l'únic que va fer tot el poble va ser defensar una zona verda i natural que gaudiem el poble, i a més de la manera més cívica i respetuosa possible, i crec que ningú es pot queixar.
Denunciant a aquesta gent, jo mateix em sento denunciat, i em fereix que un ajuntament dennciï els seus ciutadans per defensar una cosa que és seva, i que ténen tot el dret a defensar!
Mira a mesura que escric la meva emprenyada va en augment, per tant paro aquí!

10 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

les 7 persones estan citades al jutjat d'Arenys el 21 de novembre

tots som denunciats.

Anònim ha dit...

Invasió d'un espai en obres (obra adjudicada).

Anònim ha dit...

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Anònim ha dit...

hey everybody

I figured it would be a good idea to introduce myself to everyone!

Can't wait to start some good conversations!


Thanks again!

Anònim ha dit...

whats up everyone

just signed up and wanted to say hello while I read through the posts

hopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read.

Anònim ha dit...

Long time lurker, thought I would say hello! I really dont post much but thanks for the good times I have here. Love this place..

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Everyone who is involved in any kind of gaming, gambling, or betting as heard the stories of legendary people who have supposedly created the next foolproof betting system and have used the system themselves to help them to avoid losing and get higher profits over the long haul. The fact is that there is not a system in existence that can guarantee you that you will definitely be successful and never lose.
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The Martingale System is probably the most famous sports betting system on the planet and actually has nothing to do with choosing the winner of an event but is more concerned with the right odds and money lines. It seems that the gist of the system is that it looks at the statistical probabilities of how many times in a row one may lose and is put into action by placing a bet and then betting again if you win.

The most commonly occurring reason I have found for people consistently losing money at sports betting is that they have no "game plan". The most essential elements of a good game plan for betting purposes are a valid, proven Selection System and a proper Staking Plan. The Staking Plan alone won't cut it; first and foremost you must employ a worthwhile Selection System.

Anònim ha dit...

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I am going to be putting on a lot of things to the site, such as replays, vods, fpvods, maps, live streams, tools, esports info and a lot more. There is a wiki there and really could use contributors to help me out. I hope you guys can register as my goal is for this website to be one of the best Starcraft II sites on the Internet. Please register soon as there will be a tourney. If you have any feedbacl please feel free to let me know!

Thanks! Great forum by the way!

Anònim ha dit...

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